Liking Segmentation®
Research Perspective
Visual Personality of Data
Connecting to the Business
Liking Segmentation®
Liking Segmentation®

Researchers at SC Johnson needed a way to compile and display the results of a massive sensory research project. Their data would become a critical tool for the business as it would help brand managers better understand consumers and the market.

Research Perspective
Research Perspective

Liking Segmentation® takes consumers’ overall opinion ratings and identifies groups of consumers who share similar patterns of distinct preferences. This way, you can better see who you are appealing to, who you are not appealing to, and why.

Like in the world of flavors and foods, consumer preferences are ‘hard wired’ because of a predisposition from their senses. These preferences are genetically pre-determined like our height, eye color, and basic personality type, and not related to demographics or socio-economic status.

Visual Personality of Data
Visual Personality of Data

The studies showed that each segment had its own unique characteristics and I wanted the displayed data to reflect that. Conventional charts are still present in the tool but the main visual morphs based on user set parameters – reflecting the distinctiveness of each sensory segment.

Connecting to the Business
Connecting to the Business

Based on the user’s selections, performance and market data can be tracked versus the previous year.